Monday 23 February 2015


Sometimes, just sometimes, someone touches you

For no real reason, just out of the blue.

Just let me say, if I may be so bold

That I would be a poorer penguin, when all's told

If you had not crossed paths with me, online,

Yet sense tells me you never could be mine.

I'd like you to hang on to this thin thread,

This thought of mine: for I will be long dead

When you are then the age that I am now

I promise you, my pledge I give - I vow

That, crap as I might be, and often crass,

I'll always be there to protect your ass.

Fear nobody, for there is always there

A penguin, me, to be there and to share

A massive steak, should you feel so inclined

To join me. I'll have you always in mind.
